Based on my own shitty windbg + that whack ass 2005 article

Method Table

Based on my own shitty windbg + that whack ass 2005 article\

Byte Offset Data size (bytes) Data Type Property Name Description
0 0x0 4 uint m_dwFlags
4 0x4 4 uint m_BaseSize
8 0x8 2 ushort *m_wFlags2
10 0x0a 2 ushort *m_wToken
12 0x0c 2 ushort *m_wNumVirtuals
14 0x0e 2 ushort *m_wNumInterfaces
16 0x10 8 IntPtr m_pParentMethodTable
24 0x18 8 IntPtr m_pLoaderModule
32 0x20 8 IntPtr *m_pWriteableData
40 0x28 8 IntPtr m_pEEClass
48 0x30 8 IntPtr ???
56 0x38 8 IntPtr *m_pInterfaceMap
64 0x40 8 IntPtr ???
72 0x48 8 IntPtr ???
80 0x50 8 IntPtr ???
88 0x58 8 IntPtr ???
96 0x60 8 IntPtr ???

Okay it seems that the Method Description has an absolute pointer to the Method Table Entry at an 8 byte offset. So I’m guessing that when i do something like

MethodInfo t = typeof(dll).GetMethod(nameof(dll.Gate), BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)

That is returning me the Method Description. Because the MethodInfo object has the capability to return a function pointer to its method, and the Method Description contains a pointer to the

Steps for review