fastcall ⇒ first 4 args are passed into rcx, rdx, R8, R9 then right to left onto the stack

Register Volatile Purpose
rax yes hold an integer/pointer return value
rbx no
rcx yes hold first integer/pointer arg
rdx yes hold second integer/pointer arg
rsi no
rdi no
rbp no
rsp no
r8 yes hold third integer/pointer arg
r9 yes hold fourth integer/pointer arg
r10 yes
r11 yes
r12 no
r13 no
r14 no
r15 no

volatile ⇒ to be destroyed across a call

nonvolatile ⇒ retain values after a call. callee must save them somehow



func1(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f);
// a in RCX, b in RDX, c in R8, d in R9, f then e pushed on stack

Freshycalls Method


func(id, instruct, args...)

/* Initial setup when called
id in RCX
instruct in RDX
ARG1 in R8
ARG2 in R9

//Assembly code
//Move 2 registers into the stack. These will hold the 2 of the initial 4 that overflow
push R13 onto the stack to store its value
Push R14 onto the stack to store its value

//Assign the registers, offset 2 because we added ID and instruct
move the value of the RDX into R14 (which is in the stack)
move the value of the RCX into R13 (which is in the stack)
move the value of R8 into RCX
move the value of R9 into RDX

R14, in stack, holds instruct right now
R13, in stack, holds id right now
RCX holds ARG1 right now
RDX holds ARG2 right now
R8 is empty
R9 is empty

//These two are the missing two args within the stack. They are integer args
move the value of RSP+0x38 into R8
move the value of RSP+0x40 into R9

R8 holds ARG3 right now
R9 holds ARG4 right now

add 0x28 to the stack pointer
load the address of RIP + 0x0C into R11
call address at R11

//RIP+0x0C contains the following instructions
move the value of r13 into rax
move the value of rcx into r10

R14, in stack, holds instruct right now
R13, in stack, holds id right now
RCX holds ARG1 right now
RDX holds ARG2 right now

RAX holds r13
R10 holds RCX

jump to r14

subtract 28h from the stack pointer
pop the last item pushed onto stack (r14) into r14
pop the last item pushed onto stack (r13) into r13

